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Anne Braden: Southern Patriot Film showing at RVS 8100 on Nov. 14


RVS 8100
Austin, TX
United States

Emma Mutrux
Emma Mutrux

Anne Braden: Southern Patriot (1924-2006) is a first person documentary about the extraordinary life of this American civil rights leader. Braden was hailed as a white southerner who was “eloquent and prophetic” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail. Ostracized as a “red,” she fought for an inclusive movement community and mentored three generations of social justice activists.

Join us at Riverside Campus (room 8100) at 7 pm on Thursday, November 13 for the screening and an open discussion with filmmaker Anne Lewis and The People's Task Force. Let's talk Ferguson, state repression, police brutality, and the birth of a new civil rights movement!

Find out more:

“Anne Braden: Southern Patriot is an inspiring tribute to an extraordinary woman and an even more compelling set of ideas: namely, that we all have an important role to play in the struggle for racial and economic justice, and that there is more than one way to live in white skin. Anne was a shero of the first order, modeling white allyship and solidarity across lines of color for over 50 years. That few Americans will have heard her story before now is a sad commentary on the inadequacy of our nation's educational system, and an even more distressing indication of how often bravery and courage are overlooked when they emanate from those who challenge some of our most cherished myths about American democracy. This film is a must-see.”
Tim Wise, author of White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son and Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority

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